
Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

A bolt of lightning hits us like an electric eel. Epiphanies, inspiration, innovation, arrive to shower us with love, success, and abundance. To awaken the spiral flow, gratitude and grace are all Spirit asks of us. Align with the Spirit by sharing our good fortune with others, with the gifts of listening, and loving guidance, as well as with money. Spirit responds, providing us all we need. Dolphin Spirit tells us Two Truths co-exist. There is our story and another as well. There is the unity of the one song, and there are the notes composing the song. Some notes are high, some low, taken together the great symphony. Darkness, pain, suffering exist as parts in the great complexity and beauty of the universe. It is bitter and it is sweet.

Address: Lightning strikes, the time is NOW.  
Bless: Give with gratitude and grace, the Divine returns to us in kind.
Release: The great symphony. Darkness, pain, suffering exist as parts in the great complex beauty of the universe. It is bittersweet.  

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