
Intuition: Better to Trust Our Intuition

Have we ever struggled to make a decision or enter into a commitment because we didn’t trust our ability to make the right choice? How many times have we gotten a feeling in the pit of our stomach that something was not right? Did we pay attention to our intuition or did we ignore it? Deep in our core, we know what is best for us. So why don’t we trust that?
Some of us were taught as a child that we can’t trust ourselves. Maybe we weren’t able to trust our loved ones or our loved ones were unable to trust us. Sometimes life experiences shatter our trust in ourselves. Perhaps we recall an event in which we trusted ourselves and the outcome was disastrous and painful. The inability to trust ourselves stems from not knowing who we are and what’s important to us. Other times, we know what is right for us we fail to honour that because of fear, external pressure, or a belief that we are not worthy.
Sometimes we do make decisions that don’t turn out as planned. Sometimes, the red flags are there, and we ignore them. Other times, we truly make the best decision we can. Ask any successful entrepreneur about her process of decision making. She will probably tell us she weighed all the pros and cons and tried to anticipate any problems. She might have looked to the experts for helpful insight. In the end, she made the most informed decision she could. If we ask her if all her decisions were the right ones, she will tell us no. Life changes; people change. Just because something doesn’t work out the way we wanted does not mean we cannot trust ourself in the future.
Trusting ourselves is essential to loving ourselves. We know ourselves better than anyone and no one is going to take care of us except us. Until we trust ourselves, we will not be able to fully trust anyone. When we don’t trust ourselves, we will seek guidance from everyone else. Our life will be outer-focused, and people will make decisions about our life for us.
Make our personal decisions based on what’s most important to us and what works best for us. We may ask other people’s opinions as long as we are willing to pay most attention to our feelings. If we are unsure of ourselves, take the time to really listen to our gut. If we have a relationship with a Higher Power, spend time in prayer or meditation and ask that the truth be revealed to us.
During my Spiritual Coaching training, we were taught to listen to our intuition. A lot of us questioned how we know if we’re right? In other words, how do we know for sure if we can trust ourselves? We don’t know for sure unless we test it out. We were instructed as Spiritual Coaches to blurt out what our intuition was telling us, and then wait to see how the client responds. The more we test our intuition and discover that it’s telling the truth, the more we begin to trust ourselves.
So try some experiments. The next time we feel confused about a decision, pay attention to our gut-level reaction. Don’t rationalize or talk ourselves out of our feelings. Go with it and see how it turns out. We may even make a list of times we trust our intuition and things go well. The more we practice trusting ourselves, the easier it will become. If we trust ourselves and find out later it was a mistake, learn from it and move on. It’s okay to be wrong. It’s better to trust ourselves and be wrong than to not trust ourselves at all.

Intuition: Inner Wisdom and Intuition Strengthen Us During Difficult

All of us were created with an innate inner wisdom which guides our lives, serves as an inner “truth meter” and helps us to make important decisions at critical turning points in our lives. Some call this natural gift intuition, spiritual guidance or “gut feelings”.
Each of us connects to intuition in our own unique ways. Those with artistic or musical gifts may call upon their muse to inspire them with creative ideas. Those whose work involves great physical or mental endurance may connect with their inner wisdom by challenging themselves deeply to break through the barriers that usually stand between themselves and their inner gifts. Some of us may live very busy lives with little time to tune into our inner guidance, our dreams serve as messengers to share with us the important information we may have tuned out in the midst of a busy day.
Our intuition is a profound gift which connects our embodied physical self with our divine spiritual essence. The soul communicates with our embodied self through this line of light, and we develop this inner connection over time through meditation, prayer, and the desire to know ourselves more deeply.
Our intuition is of great benefit at all times in our lives, and especially during times of great stress or difficulty. In situations where we are facing unanticipated challenges such as the loss of a loved one or an illness, many intense emotions arise from within us. Our habitual supports are removed or shaken, which causes us to feel unmoored, adrift, without anything to hold onto.
Our intuition acts as a guiding compass, pointing us instinctively towards the support we need to get through the difficulties we are facing. When our minds fail us because we feel overwhelmed, the voice of our inner wisdom speaks clearly and will repeat itself as often as necessary.
If we are accustomed to being in control of our lives, and then suddenly are faced with a situation we cannot manage, we may feel frightened and desperate because our usual methods of coping no longer are working. Intuition however, will always work, even in the direst of circumstances, because our embodied human self in the physical world is always connected with our larger spiritual self.
In a time of challenge or crisis, our spiritual support systems are activated from the spiritual realms. Our connection with intuition or guidance is strengthened, and those loving beings in the spiritual realms that watch over us and guide our lives provide extra assistance.
If we have become accustomed to discounting our inner wisdom, or have simply shut down the intuitive parts of ourselves through years of neglect, it may feel as though we cannot find the thread of light that would re-connect us to our source. It is important to understand that no matter how disconnected we become from our divine inner wisdom, it is always present and available to us. Even if we have erected barriers to shut out our inner guidance for a time, these may be removed by our diligent prayer, meditation, and intention.
If we have been disconnected from ourselves for a very long time, the process of reconnecting will often bring up old emotions, thoughts and memories that we may have hidden from ourselves that we were not ready to deal with. During this re-balancing phase, it is helpful to participate in some kind of regular spiritual or emotional support system that helps stabilize our inner connection with spirit.
One of the most challenging aspects of the healing process is remembering that emotions and memories from the past are coming up in order to be healed and released. A support system helps us to anchor in the strength of our inner being, to allow the emotions and feelings to pass through us and to release from our body, mind and spirit.
As this cleansing process happens, intuition and inner wisdom are naturally strengthened, for there are fewer barriers between ourselves and our spirit. This deeper inner connection provides a source of wisdom, freedom, empowerment and comfort during difficult times, and will sustain us throughout life with greater love, joy and peace. Inner wisdom is a great gift, and is intended not only to bless our individual lives, and to share with others to bless all of life by our connection with the divine.

Intuition: Our Intuition Is Our Guide

Are we aware of our inner voice? Do we pay attention to it? (By the way, I'm not talking about the one who puts us down!) I'm talking about the one that softly whispers ideas and suggestions to us, the kind that the other voice might try to shut down, crying “Are you mad”!? This requires stepping out of our comfort zone, and that is to be avoided at all costs (even if the cost is living a life of mediocrity instead of the one of our dreams).
Sadly, the latter voice is the one most of us are aware of and pay attention to. The more gentle one, the one that is our intuition, is often ignored (if we can even hear it at all). The great pity here is that it's our intuition that really has our best interests at heart. Our shadow voice (the louder, more aggressive one) does have our welfare at heart too, in a protective way.
What's wrong with protecting us? I know we’re thinking that! Well, it limits us and ultimately erodes our well being at a soul level. And believe it or not, that's not good for our physical or emotional well being! If we're unfulfilled at a soul level, slowly and imperceptibly we will develop a nagging feeling of general discontent which have a rippling effect on our mood, self esteem and ultimately our physical and mental health.
The gentle voice of our intuition will, if listened to, stretch us beyond our comfort zone, yet never more than we are capable of. It will challenge us, yet also support us. It always has our best interests at heart, at every level: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. It will not only gently nudge us in scary directions which will yield huge and unimaginable rewards, yet it will also gently nudge us when it’s time to stop or turn around.
When we tune into our intuition and allow ourselves to be guided by it we will be surprised at how much easier formerly assumed challenges will become. And how much good fortune lands in our lap (we call it synchronicity). And how good it feels to be at ease with ourselves and all our life experiences, even the ones we wouldn't choose!
If we're not used to listening to our intuition, learning to tune into it will require time and patience. At first, we may be unsure which voice is which (especially as our shadow voice often sounds very reasonable), and using our intuition is very much like using our physical muscles. We need to use it regularly in order for it to be in the shape we want.
So how do we get to know our intuition better? First of all, start to watch out for hunches, feelings, ideas that crop up. Pay attention to the voice that accompanies it. Is it gentle, positive, supportive?
If it's aggressive, domineering, or using scare-mongering tactics it's more likely to be our shadow voice. If we're getting a feeling of warning, is it a loud and threatening one? (shadow). Or an insistent knowing one? (intuition).
The scary thing about trusting our intuition when it's new to us, is that it's not based on logic and often what it suggests to us cannot be justified logically. Yet with practice and trust, we'll learn that knowing that something is the right thing to do, is in our best interests. It'll be easier to shrug off our own shadow voice and that of others (who will fear for our best interests on our behalf).

The key to developing this essential trust in one’s intuition is to start small. Don't make life-changing decisions based on our intuition if we're not familiar with it (we might still be confusing our two inner voices). Do ask our intuition to guide us with smaller decisions, and wait for the gentle knowing feeling to arrive. Don't expect an instant answer, yet watch out, for it will come and we'll know it when it does.
Over time, as we tune in more and more, we'll find that we suffer less and less with worry or anxiety. We'll trust all will work out well, and often we'll find it works out better than we could ever have imagined!

Intuition: Unlocking Our Intuition

Have we had that experience when all of a sudden we had this huge hunch that something is about to happen, and to our surprise, that intuition was eventually translated to reality?
When we feel strongly about something without a logical basis to it, that’s called intuition. It comes in three impressions: clairvoyance or “the third eye”, clairsentience or sensing clearly, and clairaudience or feeling through listening.
Clairvoyance is when our eye goes beyond what it can see. This is when we know what is happening somewhere.
Sensing clearly is basically what we refer to as “hunch” or “gut feel.” This is the time when we are overwhelmed with a feeling and we can’t explain it, and all we say is “I just know.”
On the other hand, feeling through listening or clairaudience is being able to “listen” between the lines. Intuition also happens at times when a certain sound, whatever it is, be it a car’s honk or a bird’s tweeting, ushers in an intense feeling.
They say only a number of people are gifted with intuition. Astrologers even insist that people born under the Scorpio or Pisces signs are naturally intuitive; it almost borders on E.S.P. Yet studies are sprouting left and right that proclaim that anyone can develop intuition.
Why the need to develop intuition, we ask? Why not let our emotional and psychological state be as it is? First and foremost, intuition promotes good communication. It makes us more sensitive to the people around us; it often keeps us from hurting those we love because we are intuitive enough to understand them. Intuition also makes us far more creative than ever. Intuition means releasing more creative juices for any means of expression. Lastly, intuition has a healing power. This healing power is not in the physical sense, yet in delving deep into our soul to eradicate some negative energy buried in it.
With that being said, are we ready to develop our intuition? Here are some ways to unlock this gift:
1. Hypnosis
Oh yes, get ourselves hypnotized. Hypnosis is not limited to watching a pendulum move back and forth. Perform self-hypnosis or a hypnotic program that strengthens our intuition.
2. Meditation
Meditating means finding peace in oneself. If our mind and heart are cluttered with too much baggage and hurt, we wouldn’t be able to quiet down that part of us that could eventually initiate intuition. There are so many ways to meditate: take a yoga class, or just simply practice some breathing exercises.
3. Think positive!
A worry-free, fear-free state could do so much to improve our intuitive ability. By staying positive, we attract good energy that could be able to easily recognize imminent feelings and events.
4. Just let go.
What does this mean? If we are on the brink of making a huge decision, let go of all the inhibitions and head to a quiet place where we find out where letting go has brought us. Sometimes we just have to listen to the voice within us, and that voice won’t come out unless we let go.
5. Never expect it.
After letting go of the inhibitions and all those things that stop us from thinking and feeling clearly, never expect an answer right away. Never expect that the “hunch” would fall into our lap immediately. Give it a little time, then we’ll be surprised that — wham! — now we have our answer.
6. Believe in our first impressions.
When we see someone for the first time and think that he is a bit too arrogant for our taste, chances are that impression actually holds true. Most of the time, first impressions are brought by intuition.
7. Stay happy!
See? All we need to be intuitive is to stay happy! Happiness attracts immense power and such power includes intuition. In tapping our intuition, our motivation must be happiness and contentment. Given that premise, intuition will fall to us easily.
Intuition is helpful, because sometimes it leads us to something that cannot be achieved otherwise. A lot of lives have been saved by intuition alone. Decisions are easier done if armed by this gift. Develop intuition now and reap benefits we never could have imagined.

Intuition: Trust Our Intuition

Developing intuition starts by realizing we have it already. If we’ve ever had a hunch about something, that was intuition. Intuition is just our mind using more than what we are consciously aware of. But can we trust our intuition? How do we improve it?
Developing Intuition In Three Steps
1. Recognize it and encourage it.
2. Study it to make it more trustworthy.
3. Give it good information to work with.
Try to find areas in our own life where we naturally intuitively operate. What is something that we are just naturally good at without studying? What is an area where you trust your gut and it is almost always right? That is your intuition speaking, continue to listen and nurture it.
Of course, intuition is also a warning device. When you get the sense “something isn’t right here” that is your intuition talking and you’d be smart to pay attention.
Have you ever considered purchasing a car and then you start seeing them all over? Looking for and recognizing a thing trains your mind to find more of it. The same process will happen if you watch for your intuition – you’ll start to see more of it.
Unfortunately, a strong hunch may be for irrelevant reasons too. If you were hit by a yellow taxi as a child, you might have “intuitive” hunches not to get into yellow taxis for the rest of your life. So even learning to recognize your intuition and encourage it may leave you wondering when to trust it.
Study Your Intuition
Start questioning your hunches. Study your strong feelings about that taxi, and you might say, “Oh, it’s just my fear of yellow taxis.” Get in the habit of paying attention to and studying your intuitive feelings.
Where does your intuition work best? If you’re always right about your intuitive stock picks, give a little credence to them. On the other hand, if your hunches about people are usually wrong, don’t follow them. Just pay attention more, and you’ll be developing intuition about your intuition.
Give Your Intuition Good Information
Your skill, knowledge, and experience determine the potential effectiveness of your intuition. Learn enough about a subject, before expecting good hunches about it, or before trusting the hunches. Work in the area you want more intuition in. When enough information is in your mind, it will go to work for you with or without your conscious participation, so feed it well.
Recognize your intuition and you’ll have hunches and ideas more often. Study it and you’ll learn when to trust it. Give it good information and you’ll be repaid with good hunches and ideas. This is the simple formula for developing intuition.

Intuition: Ways To Develop Our Intuition

Intuition is a tool that all of us have. Some people suggest that it’s a mystical power. Others would suggest that it’s merely our subconscious trying to tell us something. Regardless of the source, we all have that little voice that tries to tell us things from time to time.
As we get older, we often learn to ignore that little voice. We turn to logic, and focus on being practical. But we’ve experienced a lot over the years, and there is some part of our brain that has accumulated a tremendous amount of wisdom. Listening to that little voice is a good thing.
Try these techniques to develop our intuition:
1.      Meditate for a few minutes each day. One characteristic of intuition is that it has a soft voice most of the time. It may be challenging to notice it if our minds are busy with other things. Meditation is a great way to clear the mind and make room for our intuition to come shining through.
•        A simple technique to clear our mind is to simply count our breaths and attempt to stay focused on our breathing. Avoid letting our mind wander.
2.      Record our dreams. Our dreams will be full of useful information. Many psychologists believe that we work out our challenges in our sleep. It’s difficult for most of us to remember our dreams. Studies show that we average 5 dreams per night, and most of us are lucky to even remember one.
•        After we get in bed, tell ourselves that we want to remember our dreams in the morning. Keep thinking this to ourselves until we fall asleep.
•        Keep a notebook and pen near our bed. A voice recorder app on our phone will work well, too. As soon as we wake up, start writing. Dreams tend to fade from memory quickly.
•        Review our dreams and see if there might be any information we may use in our life.
3.      Follow our intuition. The surest way to shut down our intuition is to never follow it. Start using it in situations that have minor importance. It could be as simple as taking a walk and asking ourselves which way we should turn at each intersection or fork in the road.
•        Show our intuition that we’re listening and responding. We’ll be more likely to hear from it in the future.
4.      Busy our mind. Many people find that their best ideas come while their mind is busy, yet not too busy. Some examples commonly cited include, walking, driving down the highway, taking a shower, and listening to the rain. Think about the times we’ve had great ideas. Try to put ourselves in similar situations more frequently.
5.      Keep a journal. Take a few minutes each day to write in a journal. Sometimes, putting things down on paper opens a floodgate of ideas and inspiration. Study what we’ve written. We’re likely to find insights we haven’t considered.
•        Keep our journals in a safe place, so we’ll feel more comfortable with being honest and thorough.
Being in touch with our intuition helps us identify and solve the challenges in our life that are causing stress. It also releases our imagination and creativity. Our intuition is a great resource, yet it’s important to nurture it. Start with smaller things. When our intuition proves it’s reliable, use it to make bigger decisions.
Intuition is a tether to the subconscious. It’s our ultimate source of wisdom and creative energy. Make life easier and richer by utilizing all of our resources.

Intuition: Getting In Tune With Your Intuitive Abilities

The world today is overwhelming! Each year, society revolves more and more around technology, screens, and stress. It is far too easy to get caught up comparing ourselves to the perfectly curated lives we see on social media, or feel overwhelmed by the never ending 24 hour news cycle. It’s no wonder we often find ourselves feeling caught in negative cycles of anxiety, fear, and stress.
Thankfully, we are all born with the ability to access a tool that helps us overcome all of today's modern struggles. A tool that helps guide us through life and stay on the right path. It is our one true superpower, an ancient wisdom buried within each of us. What I’m talking about is our intuition!
The definition of intuition is, “the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning”. In other words, it's the bridging of the gap between our conscious and unconscious minds. For example, have we ever had an unexplainable feeling in our gut that instinctively told us when something we were doing was right or wrong? That was our intuition speaking. Now imagine what our life would be like if we were able to access that inner guidance system whenever we needed it. That sounds amazing, right? Who wouldn’t want more of that?
Listening and trusting that little voice is a marvellous thing on its own, working to develop that little voice makes it even more powerful. We all have the sacred ability to grow and strengthen our intuition. The more we use it, the more it expands and evolves. Imagine our intuition as a muscle that needs exercise and nourishment to flourish. Let’s take a look at the 11 best ways to get in tune with and develop our amazing gift!
Meditate: Unless we have been living under a rock for the past 5 years, we know that we should be meditating. We hear about it everywhere! We all know that we should be meditating more. Let's take a look at mediation through the lens of helping us tune into and grow our intuition.
For most people, intuition has a very soft voice. If our minds are busy with the stresses of daily life, it may be very hard to hear that little voice. Meditation is a great way to clear the mind, quiet the constant inner dialogue and make room for our intuition to come through. Try this basic meditation to help us listen and tune into our inner spirit!
-Set a timer for 10 minutes.
-Find a relaxing and comfortable place to sit. -Close our eyes and stay quiet.
-Listen to and feel our breath (really pay attention to it) without trying to change it.
-Just observe the breath. Notice any sensations that arise. Just BE present.
-When our mind wanders, just bring our focus back to our breath.
When our timer goes off, slowly open our eyes and take a moment to write down any important thoughts, messages, feelings, or insights we may have received during our meditation.
Dreams: During our waking hours, our cognitive brain is in control. It uses logic and reasoning to override our subconscious mind. However, during sleep that conscious mind rests, allowing our inner subconscious to shine though. We learn a lot about overcoming issues or problems by listening to this inner consciousness.
Keep a dream journal. Keep a notebook and pen right next to our bed, and immediately upon rising try to record everything we remember about our dreams. Dreams begin to fade from memory immediately upon waking, so make sure to grab our dream journal before we do anything else. Like most things, this takes practice, we will get better over time at interpreting and recording these dreams. We will be able to see patterns and occasions where our inner consciousness is trying to help us solve problems or guide us in the right direction.
Before going to bed, visualize ourselves remembering our dreams. Picture ourselves waking up and recording these dreams in our journal. Try to keep this thought in our head as we fall asleep. This will help imprint the practice in our mind and make it easier the next morning.
More nature: Spending time in nature, away from technology, is one of the best ways to quiet the mind. Nature is a great way for us to get in tune with our ancestral self and our celestial intuition. This is where we come from, our ancestors relied on their intuition for everything. For finding food, avoiding predators, finding the right path, intuition was one of the most important aspects of life. Anytime we immerse ourselves in nature's beauty, we have an opportunity to dip our toe in another world, a world where intuition rules.
Get creative: Do something creative! Paint, draw, build, sketch, anything that elevates our creative mind. When we are young, our inner voice is loud and not hesitant to shine through. As we get older that inner voice is pushed down with responsibilities and the stresses of life. Tapping into this creative part of our brain helps re-ignite those pathways and amplify our intuitions.
Get in tune with all our senses: Our intuition flows through any of our five senses. It may come as a strange or loving sensation we feel physically within our body, or as a thought that seems to appear out of nowhere. It may be triggered by a certain scent, or even taste. Start noticing and paying attention to all of our senses. When was the last time that we really concentrated on our breathing, our sense of smell, our taste? We have all heard the phrase, “stop and smell the roses”, yet it really helps in developing our intuition. The more we practice getting in tune with these senses, the more our “6th sense” flourishes as well.
Follow our hunches: A surefire way to develop our intuition is to test out our hunches. When we are going about our daily life, keep a journal and write down every time we have a hunch. When that little voice chimes in, be sure to write it down, so we record and see how these hunches play out.  It is as simple as seeing the weather reporting rain for tomorrow, and we have a feeling it will be sunny. Maybe a friend's partner give us bad vibes, write down our feelings and see if it plays out. Follow our hunches and see what we learn about our intuition.
Switch up our daily routine: The conscious brain loves routine and order, the more regimented our life is, the further our inner voice is pushed down. When the mind is busy it is especially hard to hear that little voice. Switching things up throws our cognitive brain for a loop, and let our intuition shine through. Escape the daily routine, slow down and do something different. Our intuition will thank us.
Replay past events: Sit down and try to think back to a situation where things didn't go as planned, or didn't go as we wanted. Visualize ourselves back in that situation, notice any feelings or moments where we felt as if something was wrong. Was there an opportunity to go a different way? Did our inner voice speak up for a moment, only to be overtaken by our cognitive mind? Try to evaluate some of these occurrences and look for patterns, look for ways that we could do things differently the next time. Look for ways our intuition is trying to guide us and the things it was trying to tell us.
Breathe-work: Hands down, breathe-work is one of the best ways to quiet the mind and get in tune with our inner voice. Try this 4-7-8 method to give our intuition the opportunity to shine through and bring our consciousness to the present.
-Start by emptying our lungs of air.
-Breathe in through our nose for 4 seconds.
-Hold that breath for 7 seconds.
-Exhale slowly through our mouth for 8 seconds. 
-Repeat this process 4 times. 
This 4-7-8 technique will not only help with intuition, it is a great way to mitigate stress and lower anxiety. Basically, the whole world would be a much better place if everyone would practice this simple technique once a day!
Think less, feel more:  Our cognitive brain thinks, our intuition feels. Our minds are always reasoning, questioning and thinking their way through the day. After so many years of this, we don't even realize it's happening. If people could hear all the questions, our cognitive brain is bouncing around all day, they would think we are crazy!
Try to slow down and “feel” more. Feelings that are grounded in our body, are also grounded in truth. These feelings will never lie. Learn to listen to them more. Pay attention to those little signals that our body gives us. Heart beating faster, that knot in the pit of our stomach, feeling hot, feeling cold or a tingling sensation. We know the situation; we meet someone and immediately know something is off about them, we just feel it. Maybe they are lying to us or treating someone poorly, our physical body feels that and alert us. If we pay more attention to these physical cues, we could avoid many uncomfortable, painful or awkward situations. This is our intuition speaking and it's trying to guide us in the right direction.
Practice “sensing” people before meeting them: This is a great way to test and grow our intuition. Put ourselves into a situation where we may sit and observe someone before meeting them.
Imagine ourselves in line at the coffee shop, try to imagine what the person behind the counter will be like, before we speak to them or meet them. Take in everything we can about them just by looking at them and trusting our feelings. Try to create a mental picture of what they will be like, sound like, are they friendly, are they sociable or not? We may use this in almost any situation to test our intuition. This is a powerful and actionable way to help us get in tune with our senses, our body and our inner voice.
Practice Gratitude: In this day and age, it's easy to look at the negative aspects of life and forget about all that we are blessed to have. We all do it! It is so easy to overlook our health, the love of our families, food and water, our home or our community. Take time, every day, to recognize and give thanks for a few of these amazing things that we are lucky enough to have in our lives. This simple practice opens us up to a higher frequency and allow more of life's wonders to find their way to us.
-Gratitude improves relationships.
-Gratitude improves sleep.
-Gratitude improves physical health.
-Gratitude improves self-esteem.
-Gratitude enhances empathy and reduces aggression.
-Gratitude improves psychological health.
The benefits of practicing gratitude have been scientifically researched and proven to be powerful, real tools. Think about just how much a few of those positive benefits could drastically change our daily lives. Gratitude truly opens a plethora of doors to a better life, which in turn, will help our intuitions flourish!

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