
Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

There is truth in awareness. Presence calls, moving us into a receptive state no of trust. Abide inside the peace. It holds profound happiness in its irresistible vibration. We let go, quiet the mind, and watch our breaths. Release fear and doubt. Magic resides in the power of hope and optimism. Our renewed optimism brings in new opportunities. At points we might wonder what all the Work is about—then we see the results as it ripples across our family, our tribe, and the global community. Kindred Souls are looking to reconnect and fulfill our Karmic contracts.

Address: Abide inside the peace. It holds profound happiness in its irresistible vibration.
Bless: Our renewed optimism brings in new opportunities.
Release: Kindred Souls are looking to reconnect and fulfill our Karmic contracts.

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