
Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Freyja is the chief of the Valkyries, and the Goddess of discernment. She calls us to only say yes when it is a “holy hell my yes.” We are here to live out our potential, expressing our truth. “Nothing is obligatory except breathing.” We make our yes holy again when we use it in truth. The dawn is slowly bringing back a lightening. Each step, every breath, is a bit easier, a little bit brighter. We feel the shift, something brighter, something new begins. Marrying the shadows and lightness, we emerge more whole. Embracing our shadow aspects allows us to embrace the shadow in others, dissolving away toxic femininity.

Address: We are here to live out our potential, expressing our truth.
Bless: We feel the shift, something brighter, something new begins.
Release: Embracing our shadow aspects allows us to embrace the shadow in others, dissolving away toxic femininity.

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